#Ex.ua akvis sketch license#
when applicable, royalties and license fees must be included in the customs value.when determining the customs base for the calculation of duty and taxes on any relevant product, the value of the last sale before entering the EU must be taken.Note that the BTI period of validity is reduced to three years a Binding Tariff Information (BTI) reference number must be quoted on all customs declarations required for eligible products.
#Ex.ua akvis sketch code#
a 6-digit harmonised code for every commodity will also be required to be entered on each ENS in 2020.a Safety and Security Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) is scheduled to be introduced in 2020 for all values of goods with the exception of items of correspondence.each individual customs authority is now obliged to collect all duty amounts, including those for goods valued at less than 10 EUR (a practice currently not yet the case in all EU countries).NB all exporters must either be officially established and registered within the EU or else be represented by an officially appointed fiscal representative a new definition of exporter is now provided.Inward Processing Relief (IPR) and Processing under Customs Control (PCC) licenses will be merged into one scheme, the IPR Suspension.the customs authorities in each member state are required to re-assess all existing customs related authorisations between 1 st May 2016 and 1 st May 2019 at the latest.Here’s a brief summary we’ve prepared to help you get to grips with the key changes to customs regulations and procedures as they now affect you: It is therefore very important that you make sure you are fully aware of all the new provisions of the UCC. Its introduction will have a very significant impact on the way in which goods are imported, exported, cleared and forwarded. With effect from 1 st May 2016 the Union Customs Code (UCC) becomes the applicable customs law within all twenty-eight member states of the European Union (EU).